Saturday 19 November 2011

Evaluation of Ron Paul's Platform -- Anti-Union, Pro-Wealthy (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Hopefuls Mitt Romney , Herman Cain , Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich were recently determined to hold a four-way tie for the front-running position in the race for the GOP nod in Iowa. Political platforms are usually loaded with flowery speech and can be hard to decode. This article interprets Paul's platform documents and shows what they might mean, in plain English instead of political-speak.


I'm a doctor. I saw an abortion in medical school and it grossed me out so now I am pro-life. I have Christian values on life beginning at conception and want to write that into law despite the fact it would outlaw many forms of birth control, which should be obvious to me since I am an ob/gyn. I'll repeal Roe v. Wade. I don't believe in the right to an abortion and I'll make sure you can't have one.

Health Care

I'll make it easier for you to get health care but there's still some privatization there. I am against universal health care. Don't get sick after you're born because my commitment level drops a notch.


I want to get rid of the Fed and stabilize the dollar. I believe in balanced budgets and not letting corporations control the President. Let's get rid of estate, capital gains and income taxes even though that mostly benefits the rich.


Troops should only go to war when necessary, have proper tools, clear objectives, and guaranteed benefits I'll get rid of the Patriot Act, obey the law, and keep TSA officers from groping and ogling you.

Gun Rights

Law-abiding people should be allowed to own guns. Pilots should be able to carry them to defend their planes.


Unions are evil. I'm all about right-to-work laws that will crush them.


Why are we messing around in other countries when we have stuff to fix here? Secure the border and stop reducing American rights as a cop-out.


Dig up our resources. Build nuclear plants. Get rid of the EPA but watch out, corporations - if you pollute something you'll answer to every citizen you affect.


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