Sunday, 6 November 2011

East runs low on snow days after Irene, new storm

Potomac Electric Power Company worker Mike Fitzgerald, of Baltimore, Md., works to restore power to homes left in the dark since Saturday's storm in Teaneck, N.J., Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2011. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

Potomac Electric Power Company worker Mike Fitzgerald, of Baltimore, Md., works to restore power to homes left in the dark since Saturday's storm in Teaneck, N.J., Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2011. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

Connecticut Light & Power workers tend to a high voltage power line in Windsor Locks, Conn., Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011. Over 90% of the town has been without power since the Oct. 29, 2011 snowstorm. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy greets Christine Hallet, of Enfield, during his visit to JFK Middle School, which has been serving as a shelter, on Wednesday Nov. 2, 2011, in Enfield, Conn. The president of Connecticut Light and Power says he still believes most of the hundreds of thousands of customers still without electricity due to last weekend's snow storm will have their service restored by midnight on Sunday. (AP Photo/Journal Inquirer, Leslloyd F. Alleyne)

Potomac Electric Power Company workers work to restore power to homes left in the dark since Saturday's storm in Teaneck, N.J., Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2011. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

(AP) ? Alison Takahashi thought autumn of her senior year would be filled with memories-to-be like the homecoming dance, crossing her fingers over college applications and counting down to graduation from Glastonbury High School.

Instead, the dance is delayed, her graduation date is a question mark and she's squeezing in study time during daylight hours as she ? and hundreds of thousands of other Northeast residents ? spends days without power after last weekend's snowstorm.

"I feel so disorganized and disoriented because we've been living all over the place," said the 17-year-old Takahashi, whose family has bunked in hotels since losing power Saturday, and who has squeezed in study time for an SAT specialty test in Spanish as part of her application to Georgetown University.

She must take that test Saturday in her high school, where that night's homecoming dance has been postponed and town residents pop in to take showers and recharge their cellphones and computers.

Throughout the region and especially in hard-hit Connecticut, many school districts that lost several snow days to the remnants of Hurricane Irene in August found themselves losing this full week, too, because of snow-related power failures and tree damage.

A handful of districts in New Jersey also remained closed Thursday, leaving those and other districts wondering they would have to cut into vacations to regain the lost days.

Throughout the Northeast, the storm's legacy has left students, working parents and others looking for last-minute baby-sitters as power-free day care centers remain closed, or going without access to email and other modern conveniences.

About 700,000 homes and businesses in the Northeast ? more than half of them in Connecticut ? went without power for a fifth day Thursday. Makeshift relief centers filled with weary parents and restless children.

The number of lost school days is forcing some districts to consider trimming their winter or spring vacations to ensure school doesn't stretch beyond June ? a consideration virtually unheard of so early in the academic year.

"It's a difficult situation when you lose five off the bat. It's only November and we haven't even had the real snow yet," said Paul K. Smith, superintendent of Bolton's schools, which were set to remain closed Friday for their fifth consecutive day.

He and several other superintendents said that the past 10 months have been unlike any they remember in recent decades.

Record-setting snows in January forced many districts in Connecticut and elsewhere to stretch their school years to compensate for lost days ? and just as they breathed a sigh of relief, Irene swept through the Northeast to steal away days at the start of the new school year.

Then, last weekend's rare October snow completed the triple whammy, forcing them to cancel even more days.

It also comes as many districts were wrapping up their marking periods and trying to compile report cards; as several sports were heading into state and regional tournaments; and as many students faced a Nov. 1 deadline for early admission consideration in certain colleges, some of which have said they will be flexible under the circumstances.

Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and some other states require public schools to have at least 180 days of classes and cannot extend the school year beyond June 30. Their state education departments can grant waivers in extraordinary circumstances, but rarely do.

"If this were to have occurred in March or April, then you're really up against it and at that point you'd probably be looking for some relief at the state level. But at this point so early in the year, there's still some flexibility to make up those days," said Joseph Cirasuolo, executive director of the Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents.

Schools in Tolland, outside Hartford, lost 11 days to snow cancellations last year, 10 of them in January alone. As of this week, its numbers were sneaking up again for the new school year: three days lost from Irene and five this week from the snowstorm, forcing its school board to consider whether to reduce winter or spring vacations.

As for whether snowy days are ahead that could exacerbate the situation, Tolland schools Superintendent William Guzman was trying Thursday to balance optimism and realism: "I'm wishing for a mild winter and just taking it one day at a time."

Several students and parents said Thursday that being flexible was the only way they could maintain their humor as they gritted their teeth and faced another day without power, classes and many basic amenities. Several districts expected to reopen Monday but were not certain whether it would be possible.

"There's wires down all over in our neighborhood, so I don't know if they'll be gone and the buses can get in and out," said 13-year-old Brigid Gauthier, an eighth-grader in Simsbury, one of several towns remaining largely without power Thursday.

Even students and families whose electricity had been restored or who never lost it were thrown off kilter by the school days cancellations and what it meant to their schedules.

Seventeen-year-old Josh Florez, a senior at West Hartford's Conard High School, was spending his days volunteering at the town's relief shelter at the school, keeping up with training for his cross-country team and trying to schedule interviews with members of the state's congressional delegation for his hoped-for nomination to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

But he had faith Thursday that once classes resumed, teachers would pace the lessons to catch up without overwhelming students and that in the end, it would all work out.

"They'll make it so it's not impossible on us. I feel pretty confident they'll figure it out," Florez said.

Associated Press


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